Daisypath Vacation Ticker

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

experience is the best teacher

my best buddies since school..after years of friendship..

ms ni ktorg g cameron..along photographer..angah n my kakak ipar dan hakim kt england at that time..

masa aku muda2 dl (skg dh tua ke??) org slalu ckp yg ktorg ni kembar..even tho sbnrnye aku dan adik aku beza 7 thn..???cleo's believe it or not..

i really love photoscape..it's very easy to use..gmbr2 ni antara yg telah aku edit menggunakan photoscape..
hehe..dengan menggunakan software spt photoscape,org yg buta IT mcm aku ni dlm penggunaan software2 seperti adobe photoshop mmg sgt2 membantu..
huhu..ya,aku mmg tak berapa nk reti guna adobe photoshop..sgt lembab dlm bab2 ni..anyway..thanx to my fren, cik candylips_izy a.k.a cik kirana telah mmperkenalkan
photoscape kpd aku..even cik kirana dgn tersangat baik hatinya telah memberi aku meminjam pendrive dia bila aku xdpt nk download the software due to my internet problems sejak akhir2 ni..
thanx kirana..love u soo much dear.. hehe..

p/s: time ni ktorg kuar g tgk wyg..hehe..turns out yg ktorg terslh pilih tgk cerita ok..movie tu agak hmm.. cik kirana was my schoolmates n one of my best buddies ms kt matriks dl..thanx sbb blanja aku tgk wyg eh..muuaaahh..muuaahh..!!!

me n cik kirana..

-----> apsal dlm gmbr ni muka aku nmpk cam tersgt lebar dan gemuksss???aku sgt xpueh hati..waaaa!!!

Isnin ni taklimat posting..hmm,agak2 skolah mane la yg aku dpt eh?
can't wait to find out..
aku nk bercerita sket tentang pengalaman aku jd guru ganti kt sekolah rendah..
jd cikgu sekolah rendah is A LOT easier guys..
klaulah blh aku tukar dr cikgu skolah menengah kpd skolah rendah mmg aku nk sgt..hoho
sepanjang aku jd guru ganti,aku kene ngajar bdk2 darjah 1..imagine how easy it was..haha
bdk2 darjah 1 ni korg mrh la dorg mcm mane pn..dorg mst ok pny..ye la baru drjh 1 kn..tocang pn xnaik lg..
tp mcm2 pe'el la dorg ni..bdk2..phm2 je la..mmg suka sgt mengadu..
"teacher..teacher..she beats me.."
"teacher..shirleys crying..khaleeqah tarik rambut dia.."
"teacher may i drink water?"-it's like 100x i heard this in a day ok..
"teacher, must do corrections aa?"-no matter how many times u've told them..
"teacher..can i go to the toilet?'-100x also in a day..
"cikgu..saya nk terBERAK.."-what??i almost laugh when i heard this..xblh ke dorg mntk je permission utk pergi toilet?
hahaha..mmg byk sgt..smpai tak terkira aku nk tulis kt sini..eh,tak terkira or tak tertulis??hoho..whatever la..
tp mcm mana pn dorg ttp hormatkan guru..klau skolah menengah,ade sstgh pelajar da tak reti nk hormat guru..
and the funny part is..setiap kali waktu balik,bdk2 ni akan salam tgn cikgu..bukan je muslims tp non-muslims pn sama..siap cium tangan lagi..hehe
sepanjang aku jd guru ganti byk bnd yg aku da blaja..siap dpt jd guru kelas lg..
thanx to cikgu zaimah who have helped me a lot being a class teacher..

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