Daisypath Vacation Ticker

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


okay peeps, if there's any...sorry aku xupdate psl percutian ke bukit tinggi tu..myb next time kot..aku taw cite tu dh nk basi sgt2 dh..dr awal cuti smpai la abes cuti xjgk aku update2 psl my holiday tu..huhuhu..semuanya sbb malas yg mengusai diri..anyway..sorry again..insyaAllah satu hari akan diupload jgk ok..walaupn mcm xde sape dh nk bace time tu..

hari ni rasa bosan sgt2!!! from the moment i wake up i feel sooo bored feels like missing him and hakim n aisyah sooo many much!!! urrgghh..luckily he works at night shift this week and after talk to him a few minutes i feels so much better..fuuhhh...hmm, esok hakim n aisyah balik dr cameron, angah akan singgah ipoh dl sblm blk melaka..yeayyy..tp kjp sgt la dgn dorang..hukhukhuk..rindu pn tak abes..hakim dh pandai cakap skrg ni..another 2 months he will be 3years old and aisyah next month will be 1 year old..cptnye masa berlalu..hari ahad aritu kami adik-beradik tgk movie avatar siap bwk hakim lg..hehe, aisyah kene tinggal ngn mak sbb tgk wyg pkul 9mlm..mula2 angah ckp nk bawak hakim skali aku mcm xyakin jek si hakim tu tak mengamuk nnt..yela, movie avatar tu lama la jgkkn..buatnye die mengamuk xke xpsl2..tp, hakim did surprise me..die bkn saje tak mengamuk or meragam but he is actually enjoying the movie..tp sbb cite avatar tu lama sgt, dkt2 akhir2 cite tu hakim feels a bit bored and sleepy..hakim is sooo cute time tgk wyg tu, dgn pkai pyjamas pegi tgk wyg..hehehe..comel jek..kuat mkn pop corn bdk ni..cayanggg hakim!!

semalam angah terpaksa g cameron sbb ada mesyuarat katanya, tbe2 je kene g lps dpt call..huhu, kjp je dgn hakim n aisyah..esok dorg trn dr cameron singgah ipoh kjp pastu blk melaka..sedeynyeee..hukhukhuk..kalo tak dapat lama2 sket ngn dorang..huhuhu..anyway ape yg aku cuba nk katakn ialah...how the hell shopping always makes our mood or my mood atleast getting better??? huhh...this year end sale really makes my life turns up side down..wawawa..xtaw la da bape kali aku pegi shopping..mcm hari ni..just because i feel so bored, going out alone with just wearing light blue jeans and a simple green shirt and my first black guess handbag..i came back with lots of plastic bags, seb baik mak n abah xde kt umah time blk tu,kalo tak sure kene bebel xigt dh....huhuhu..is it shopping is a true mood therapy???huhuhu...sometimes i wonder..~

1 comment:

Blogger said...

As stated by Stanford Medical, It's indeed the ONLY reason this country's women get to live 10 years longer and weigh 19 KG lighter than us.

(And by the way, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and really, EVERYTHING to about "how" they eat.)

P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

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