Daisypath Vacation Ticker

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stress therapy

Is it true some say that shopping is the best therapy for stress??

well i found it is true in some cases..hahaha..

Hakim balik melaka arini n i feel so sad...huhuhu..it's like there's an emptiness inside me..
after a month Hakim stay at my house now it is the time to say goodbye..sedihnye...huhuhu

xsampai pn berapa jam hakim balik aku da rasa boring giles, slalu aku mst bz dok melayan bdk tu, bagi makan, basuh berak, bagi tido, main lagi..tibe2 die balik mcm xtau nk buat ape plk..waaaa
so, aku ajak farah kuar, die kt umah opah die plk, pkcik die blk..ajak ju die pn ada hal, kuar ngn tunang die..last2 mls nk ajak org lain aku kuar sorang2, huhuhu, sedey btl..

i bought myself 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of spectacles n 1 anak tudung..hehehe..blh thn jgk haku ni shopping sorang2...hahaha

yg xtahan siap beli sepasang spec hitam g tu..yg mana telah lama menjadi idaman hatiku..tp aku xdpt nk letak gmbr kt cni sbb die blm siap lg (aku bt skali dgn power, bese la klau org da rabun kan..)..heeee

in the end shopping could be a good therapy sometimes but in the end aku menangis sbb duit haku byk melayang especially bab beli spec hitam tu..cettt..rm300..waaa!!!aku mmg giles!!!


sepet_bulat said...

weh..asal xajak aku...?
kejelesan tahap melampau..

anap_ilmi said...

simpan tag2 suar tu..best gak kumpul bnde tu

cleo said...

candylips_izy : hahha..sowi le yunk, aku takut perlawaanku itu ditolak skali lg last2 tu yg aku g soping sorg2.hohoo...

anap_ilmi : kui3,baik..nnt sy simpan..cett, bt menyemak bilik ade le..heee

Daisy said...

well its not shopping... it's sleeping! (Well for me of course)

But nice perspective you got here.

btw, passed by from youthmediawidget on my blog.

cleo said...

xpela cik daisy..masing2 pny pendapat..neway, tq 4 stopping by..

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